This is an overview of our design choices, also outlining the scope of the library. See also Issue #2.
From parsing to validation, we outline two routes:
the lower one is file-based.
the upper one is “data-based”, meaning that it relies on nested Python
-s rather than their file serialization. The upper route can bypass thePARSER
element of the library and gives full scriptable access to setting input parameters.
Intermediate (IR) and Final (FR) Representations must be in formats that are
valid serializations of the Python dict
data structure. JSON has been
temporarily chosen for the IR as the json
module is part of the default Python
distribution, contrary to YAML.
It is an open question whether we want to allow users of parselglossy to use
different formats for one or both the IR and the FR. While this is not an
insurmountable technical challenge, it does not seem to be a feature to die for.
Program authors will have to depend on an implementation of a serialized FR
reader. JSON again seems to be favorable as mature and actively maintained
implementations are available for all the major languages:
For C++:
For Fortran:
To allow for its flexible use, the library will have two components the parser and the validator. Assuming, but not requiring, that the code that needs input parsing facilities is scriptable, these are some the scenarios we want to tackle:
User Writes an input file, runs a wrapper script to a program, gets an output. Program authors will have to interact with parselglossy to:
Define the input grammar (
import parselglossy.parser
)Define the vspecs
Define the combination of vspecs (
import parselglossy.validator
Power user Writes a script with input options as a Python
. These are passed as-is to theVALIDATOR
which fills in the gaps (defaults, missing required values and so forth) and then forwards for actual execution. Program authors will have to interact with parselglossy to:Orchestrate invocation of the
.Forward the validated
for execution.